
You are very welcome to make an appointment to come to our studio in Karlsruhe and test our Kronthaler clarinets.

If you wish, we are more than happy to send you our current price list.

We make barrels and bells exclusively for Kronthaler clarinets.

Please understand that all questions concerning other makes of clarinets will remain unanswered.


phone: +49-(0)721-9213577

(Mo-Thu, 2-5 p.m.)


clarinet manufacturing

Yorckstraße 36

76185 Karlsruhe


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Johanna Kronthaler

Meisterwerkstätte für Klarinettenbau

Yorckstraße 36, 76185 Karlsruhe, Deutschland

Tel.: +49-(0)721-9213577 (Mo-Do: 14-17 Uhr, bzw. AB)